Employment Support

Contact our Employment Coordinator at EC@NortheastNewcomerServices.com

For employment opportunities and local job postings visit SaskJobs.ca

Employment Services at NNS

Did you know we have our very own Employment Coordinator?!

Our Employment Coordinator is available to help you whether you are looking for your first job in Canada, or if you are looking to explore new opportunities. Our EC has access to employment support funding to assist you with upgrading your resume by taking courses such as First Aid, Food Safe, Driver Education, and more!

Book at appointment with our EC today on any of the following topics:

  • Resume and cover letter building

  • Interview preparation

  • Job search and connecting with employers

  • Understanding job opportunities in the northeast region

  • Connecting you with training to improve your employment options

Call, text or email for an appointment today!



SaskJobs Career Services

Career Services is a provincial service that assist If you need help planning your career. They can assist you with:

  • Providing information on occupations, including wage and future prospects

  • Understanding your skills, interests and goals

  • Referrals to employment and training programs

  • Developing a career action plan to align with your goal

SaskJobs - Job Database

Database of Saskatchewan-wide job postings, with descriptions.

Government of Canada Job Bank

Database of Canada-wide job postings, with descriptions.

Social Insurance Number (SIN)

The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number that you need to work in Canada or have access to government programs and benefits.

Employment Insurance (EI Benefits)

Employment Insurance (EI) provides temporary financial assistance to unemployed Canadians who have lost their job through no fault of their own, while they look for work or upgrade their skills. Canadians who are sick, pregnant, or caring for a newborn or adopted child, as well as those who must care for a family member who is seriously ill with a significant risk of death or who must provide care or support to their critically ill or injured child, may also be assisted by Employment Insurance.

Information Services Corporation (ISC)

Information Services Corporation is a publicly-traded Saskatchewan business corporation responsible for registry-related information services. This is a great resource for anybody looking into self-employment.

Saskatchewan Immigration - Working In Saskatchewan

Learn more about finding work and becoming familiar with Saskatchewan workplaces.

Rights and Responsibilities - A Guide to Labour Standards in Saskatchewan

This guide answers common questions about your rights and responsibilities in the workplace, such as minimum wage, benefits, public holidays, vacation pay, lay-offs, employment insurance and maternity leave.

Federal Labour Standards

Federal Labour Standards set out minimum standards that federally regulated employers and employees must follow, for example farmers and their employees.

Occupational Health Committees and Occupational Health and Safety Representatives

Learn how Occupational Health Committees (OHC) and Occupational Health and Safety Representatives (OHS representatives) bring employers and workers together to cooperate in identifying and resolving health and safety concerns.

Federal Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

Canada Labour Code

Saskatchewan Program Integrity and Legislation Unit

The Program Integrity and Legislation Unit is an important part of Saskatchewan’s Immigration Services. The Unit works to protect the rights of foreign workers and immigrants in the province.

Employment Questions

Where can I get more help with my job search and resume?

Contact the NNS office for more information and a referral.

​Labour Market Services

Where can I learn about starting my own business?

Community Futures Newsask (Tisdale)


I don't think my employer is being fair. Who can I talk to?

Employment Standards Office- Prince Albert
Phone: 306-953-2715 employmentstandards@gov.sk.ca

Employment Standards - Foreign Worker Recruitment and Protection Unit
Phone: 306-798-1350 Toll Free: 1-833-626-9424

​I think I'm being discriminated against or harassed at work. Who can I talk to?

Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
Toll free: 1-800-667-9249

Canadian Human Rights Commission

Who should I talk to if I am laid off at work?

Service Canada
(will help to apply for EI and other benefits)

​Labour Market Services
Phone: (306) 953-2488 to book an appt near you